Slide PowerPoint

Integration Presentation Assignment Instructions


Each assignment in this course has been building your understanding of integration. While other assignments have allowed you to identify the model of integration with which you most closely align, this Integration Presentation Assignment is about synthesizing all you have learned to demonstrate your understanding of each text’s discussion of integration.


· You will utilize the 3 class texts to create a PowerPoint (or Prezi) presentation.

· The presentation should be attractive in nature, well thought out, and something that could be used to educate professionals both in academia and in the Church regarding the various conceptualizations of integration of Christianity and psychology.

· The presentation should include a title slide, at least 10 slides of “body” and a slide including references. You can use as many slides as you need to but the minimum is 10.

· Cover Entwistle’s six models.

· Cover Johnson’s five views.

· Discuss ways in which integrating concepts such as prayer, scripture, sin, confession, forgiveness, and redemption can aid spiritual health (as described in McMinn’s text).

Be sure to review the criteria on the Integration Presentation Grading Rubric before you begin this Integration Presentation Assignment.




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