
The topic in brief Discussion: Incivility
Describe Your task
Type of Service Course Work
No. of Pages/Wordcount 2 page(s)/276 to 550 Words
Academic Level Undergraduate/Associate Degree
Citation Style APA Style
Detailed Description/Explanation As a leader, you may encounter instances of incivility, lateral violence or outright bullying in the workplace.

Provide an example of these behaviors from your clinical site (or work practice if you have not yet begun your clinical hours).
Describe the example and behavior, maintaining anonymity at all times.
Discuss the leader’s role and/or response to the incivility example.
Initial post should be substantive, consist of 300-500 words, and be posted by the due date. Provide current literature support (at least 2 scholarly articles).

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.



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