Homeless Veteran And Drug Abuse




The purpose of this assignment is to develop a policy advocacy background document

that orients contemporary stakeholders to a specific social problem or issue so that they

can better address it.

Cover page: Following the guidelines provided in the Publication Manual of the

American Psychological Association (APA), you should have a cover page that has your

name, title of your paper, title and number of your course. (1 point)


(1) Introduction: This section identifies a social problem or issue, addressed by the

federal government, that is of concern to social workers and is prevalent both locally and

nationally. This section also provides a description of the problem, includes a brief

summary or overview of the paper and conclusion that ties up the main points of the



Grading Criteria: The discussion demonstrates superior comprehension and presentation

of the social problem a well as a succinct, clear, and complete overview of the paper.

This section is about half a page. (2 points).


(2) Historical overview: This section presents the history of the issue, that is, it

describes how the issue or problem originated and evolved over the years until recently.

(For example, racial injustice experienced by a certain minority group, discrimination

experienced by those with disability, poverty among children or women, homelessness

among veterans, drug addiction and incarceration among the youth, rights of women,

etc.). Let us suppose, for illustration, your issue is racial injustice experienced by African

Americans, you can start with the time people were brought as slaves from Africa, their

plight over the years, actions of various Presidents, civil rights, etc. until recently. All

material presented here must be supported by information from scholarly sources. You

may use information from the textbook but it must be substantiated with additional

scholarly sources.


Grading criteria: The discussion as presented with appropriate references (see item “(6)

References” for explanation of appropriate references) demonstrates superior

comprehension of the history of the topic. (6 points)


Appendix: This is a great opportunity for you to be creative. Make your history come

alive with links to videos, photographs, interviews, etc. For example, going back to our

earlier example of racial injustice, if racial injustice experienced by African-Americans is

your topic, provide a link to a youtube video of the civil rights march, interviews with

individuals or leaders related to the cause. Please note: All this information is to be

included in the Appendix attached at the end of your paper. Keep all videos brief.

Provide only one example of each, that is, video, photograph, etc. In the appendix, you

are also required to provide a brief description of how the video, photograph, etc. relate to


the discussion you provided in the “Historical Overview” section. Test all your links to

make sure they work (if I cannot open the link, and see your work, you will not get points

for it).


Grading criteria: All material provided in the appendix are of superior quality, description

in the appendix clearly relate to the material in the “Historical Overview” section,

material provided in the appendix enhances considerably the discussion in the “Historical

Overview” section, and demonstrate superior creativity and knowledge. (3 points)


(3) Extent of the problems: This section describes how widespread the issue or problem

is today, whom it effects directly and indirectly, and the trends in its size and

composition. Excellent quality and relevant evidence are provided from various sources,

such as, interview with local city or state government officials or non-profit organization,

census and other scholarly sources.


Grading criteria: Discussion of this section clearly demonstrates superior comprehension

of the evidence related to the current state of the topic. The writing is of superior quality.

(3 points)


(4) Policy trail: Discussion identifies a policy trail so that contemporary stake holders

understand the prior efforts that have been made to address it—at different levels of

government and in the private and public sectors—and in different locations, such as, in

several states or urban areas. From your interviews, is there any evidence that federal,

state, local governments or non-profit organizations have addressed this issue?

Discussion also includes knowledge of how public official and residents have viewed the

social policy or issue, and the ideological, partisan, and other cleavages that have

surfaced as the policy trail has evolved. This is done with supporting evidence and

appropriate referencing using the APA style.


Grading Criteria: Discussion demonstrates superior knowledge of the policy trail, the

views of public officials and residents, and the ideological and other cleavages that

surfaced. All discussion is supported with clear evidence and scholarly references that

are cited appropriately using the APA style (for information on scholarly references, see

item “(6) References”). (3 points)


(5) Policy option: With exemplary critical analysis of the evidence presented in the

preceding sections and with compelling reasoning and argument, this section identifies a

promising policy option that could currently be considered in terms of its merit in

addressing the social problem or issue, as well as its political feasibility.


Grading criteria: Discussion demonstrates superior ability to draw meaningful

conclusions and inferences. (3 points).


(6) References: All references are in the APA style. All reference are scholarly, from

peer reviewed journal articles, and scholarly books (peer reviewed journal articles are

preferred). Information in the paper and in the references go beyond the course textbook.


Information from websites (this excludes journal articles online from recognized

publishers), such as information from state and federal agencies (example, the CDC) that

is for the general public are not included or included at a bare minimum (they do not

exceed 10% of all the listed references, for example, if there are 10 references in the

reference list, only one reference is web based). A paper based mostly on web-based

information will receiving a failing grade.

Grading criteria: Reference list consists of relevant, high quality peer-reviewed journal

articles; may contain scholarly books; very limited (10% at the most) use of website

information and the ones used are well-recognized, relevant, government sources;

reference list is comprehensive; and readings go well beyond the textbook (1 point)


(7) Appendix. Details provided in “(2) Historical overview” section.


Stylistic considerations

Paper must look professional. Writing must be of superior quality. There should be no

grammatical and spelling errors. It must flow seamlessly from the beginning to the end

with progression of ideas and smooth transitions. The paper must use the six sub-

headings provided in bold in these guidelines (Introduction, Historical overview,

…etc.). It must comply with latest APA standards both in the text and in the references.

Uses double space, Times New Roman font type, font size 12, margin on all four sides of

the paper is not less than one (1) inch, the pages are numbered, and the paper does not

exceed five (5) pages excluding references, cover page, and appendix. Points will be

deducted throughout the paper for failure to comply with stylistic guidelines.


Stylistic considerations (total for stylistic considerations =8 points)

i. Paper looks professional without any spelling and grammatical errors. It flows seamlessly from the beginning to the end with progression of ideas

and smooth transitions. (2 points)

ii. The paper uses the six sub-headings provided in bold in these guidelines (Introduction, Historical overview, Extent of the problems, Policy trail,

Policy options. The references at the end of the paper, on a separate page, has

the heading “References,” and the Appendix page at the very end has the

heading “Appendix.”). (2 points)

Note: Paper that does not use the headings and subheadings as

described above will receive a failing grade.

iii. Paper complies with latest APA standards both in the text and in the references (2 points).

iv. Paper uses double space, Times New Roman font type, font size 12, margin on all four sides of the paper is not less than one (1) inch, the

pages are numbered. (2 points)

v. Paper must not exceed five (5) pages, excluding references, cover page, and appendix. Edit your paper carefully to stay within the page limit. Papers

that exceed the page limit will lose 2 points for every additional page.



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