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Assignment: Passion Project Paper on Drawing


This assignment invites you to explore your passion for drawing through a comprehensive paper that outlines your experiences, techniques, inspirations, and goals in this artistic pursuit. The goal is to articulate your journey as a drawer and reflect on how this passion has impacted your life and development.

Assignment Instructions

  1. Introduction:
    • Begin with a brief introduction that captures the reader’s interest. Describe your passion for drawing and why it is significant to you.
    • Provide a thesis statement that summarizes what your paper will cover regarding your journey, influences, and future aspirations in drawing.
  2. Your Drawing Journey:
    • Early Experiences:
      • Reflect on when you first started drawing. What inspired you to pick up a pencil or brush?
      • Describe any early influences, such as family members, teachers, or specific artists that sparked your interest in drawing.
    • Development of Skills:
      • Discuss how you have developed your drawing skills over time. Include any formal training, workshops, or self-directed learning you have undertaken.
      • Mention specific techniques or styles you have learned and practiced (e.g., realism, abstract, caricature).
  3. Techniques and Styles:
    • Explore the various techniques you employ in your drawing. For example:
      • Mediums: Pencil, charcoal, ink, watercolor, digital tools, etc.
      • Techniques: Shading, perspective, line work, color theory, etc.
    • Discuss your preferred style and how it reflects your personality or interests. Provide examples of your work, if applicable.
  4. Inspirations and Influences:
    • Analyze the artists or art movements that inspire your drawing. Discuss how these influences have shaped your style and approach to art.
    • Include any personal experiences or themes that you like to explore in your work (e.g., nature, emotions, social issues).
  5. Challenges and Growth:
    • Reflect on any challenges you have faced in your drawing journey. How did you overcome them?
    • Discuss any turning points or significant moments that contributed to your growth as an artist.
  6. Future Aspirations:
    • Outline your future goals related to drawing. Consider:
      • Skill development: Are there specific techniques or styles you want to explore?
      • Projects: Are there particular themes or subjects you wish to pursue?
      • Sharing your art: Do you plan to exhibit your work, create a portfolio, or engage with the art community?
  7. Conclusion:
    • Summarize the key points of your paper, reiterating the significance of drawing in your life.
    • Reflect on how your passion for drawing has enriched your experiences and shaped your identity.

Formatting and Submission

  • Length: 4–5 pages, double-spaced.
  • Structure: Use headings for each section to enhance organization.
  • References: If you reference any artists, techniques, or sources, include a bibliography or works cited page.
  • Visuals: Include images of your drawings if possible, ensuring they are properly labeled and cited.
  • Formatting: Follow APA or MLA style as instructed by your teacher.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Content and Insight (40%): Depth of reflection on your drawing journey, techniques, and aspirations.
  • Organization and Clarity (30%): Logical flow of ideas and clarity of writing.
  • Creativity and Engagement (20%): Originality and expressiveness in conveying your passion for drawing.
  • Presentation and Grammar (10%): Adherence to formatting guidelines and overall quality of the paper.


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