Business Report: Decision Making in Leadership 

 Business Report: Decision Making in Leadership 

Assume that your boss (real or imagined) has asked you to prepare a formal business report on Decision Making in Leadership which will be shared at the next executive meeting. In this report they want to see well documented information on the ways decision making affects leadership in the 21st century. Your report should include evaluation of some frameworks and models of decision making and a justified choice of the model/approach you recommend for your company. Assess benefits and limitations of the model chosen, explain how it influences leadership effectiveness, providing relevant examples from business or political settings. Your recommendations should be based on specific challenges your company face and clearly demonstrate how the chosen model of decision making will help address them successfully. You must choose your own real or imagined example, and compare three models using this example, to determine what model works best for your organization. If you do not compare your example when discussing each of the models, you will not get a very good grade.


Before you start working on your report, read the grading rubric to identify key elements based on which your report will be assessed. You must fulfill the rubric requirements if you want marks!


· Write the paper using APA style and format with 3-5 citations per paragraph.

· Use 5-7 different sources, including your textbook, include each one in the reference section.

· You will need to use the models defined in this week’s textbook readings to write your paper.

· In addition to the textbook, including several peer reviewed references.

· All sources must have authors, publication dates, and publishers.

· “Anonymous” authors, undated sources will not be accepted as valid sources and marks will be deducted.

· The paper should be 2500 to 2800 words (10 pages), should follow a formal business report format including an introduction, summary of the 3 models you chose and why, the main body will look at the three models you chose, define them, explain them, discuss how they are relevant or not to your example. You will end by recommending a model that is the best fit for your example, with the reasons why, Finish by providing a conclusion (action plan) that you can implement at work, to solve your organizational issue. Write as if you are a leader who will actually take these steps in your company, in order for it to succeed. Clearly tell the reader the steps to solve the problem.

· Therefore, you must write as if you are a manager, your recommendations must be clear for your boss and your followers to act on.

· You are the one doing the research, if your boss/followers cannot understand the model based on what you have written, you will fail this paper! Pretend you are writing this paper as a manual to help your followers and the boss to understand what each model means, its pros and cons, why it is useful for your example (recommendations – why you recommend this model over the others), and how to implement it (conclusion/action plan)

· Each chapter in the textbook has numbers beside each discussion area. These numbers have journal articles attached to them at the end of the chapter. Read the articles that relate to three models you will discuss in your paper. Make sure to discuss and cite them in your essay by author name and year only. Only write the journal article name in the reference section at the end of your paper. Do not refer to articles by the book/journal name.

· Must exhibit good writing, research, and analytical skills.

· Do not use bullet pointed lists. Instead write full sentences and paragraphs. Paragraphs have at least 5 sentences! All headings except the summary, conclusion, and action plan, must have at least 2 paragraphs. Do not use an introduction as a heading, we know the introduction is the first paragraph. Summary is the 2nd paragraph of the essay and will clearly state why you chose these three models to be discussed in the essay.

· Be academic, do not use personal pronouns or share personal experience for this assignment.

· Avoid use of charts, diagrams and other visual components, in this paper.

· Instead concentrate on making your ideas coherent, relevant and convincing.

· Do not use the words I, we, you, us. Instead use “leaders, followers, clients, customers”.

· Submit your paper via Turnitin before the due date.

· Late submissions are allowed up to 3 days and penalized by 10%/day. (3 days = 30% off, which is not a good grade).

· This ensures that I can mark papers and return them so students can improve their grade for future papers/exams.

Grading Rubric for Assignment #3 – Marks are assigned as per the Grading Rubric

Criteria Unacceptable 0-5 Satisfactory 6-8 Excellent 9-10
Report Introduction

· Stated purpose and objectives of report (clear and logical) (2 marks)

· Provided background detail to example (3 marks)

· Identify one problem needing to be solved (2 marks)

· State which of the three models you will discuss in this paper (1 mark)

· Clarified any limitations of report (2 marks)

Report Conclusion and Recommendations (2 marks each)

· Make sure that you look at your introduction and that your essay addressed purpose and objectives of report

· Provide a response to each problem identified in your example, clearly in each model

Recommendation must be:

· Action-oriented, concise and clearly written (what steps will you take because of the model?)

· Realistic and feasible

· Supported by research –cite and discuss the recommendations that can help your company with its problems by using the model you picked as the best choice

Professionalism of the document

· Appropriate grammar, formatting, and length (3.5 marks)

· Paper had all required components (.5 mark)

· All facts, models, pro’s con’s, definitions, discussions of each model are uncited (4 marks)

· All References were accurate and used/cited in the report (2 mark)

Criteria Unacceptable 0-17 Satisfactory 18-24 Excellent 25-30

Decision-making models (note: not called decision-taking = one receives information. As a leader you are making a decision to implement. With decision-making, one gives/does something about the information.) 9 marks per model:

· Discuss three models in great details that address ONE problem your company has

· Use the textbook to define and discuss each model

· Ensure to use at least 2 academic peer reviewed journal articles per model to help define, explain the model, and discuss its pros and cons

· Provided solid reasons for the choice

· Outlined key components of each model

· Discussed each supporting point thoroughly and clearly

· Supported assertions with research

· Make sure to choose one model that is the best fit (3 extra marks for this discussion in the conclusion section)

· State why this model is the best to solve company problem

Criteria Unacceptable 0-12 Satisfactory 13-16 Excellent 17-20

Explanation of how chosen model is linked to leadership effectiveness

· Gave situational analysis of model use

· Explained how model is linked to leadership effectiveness

· Gave real-life example of connection

· Supported assertions with research

· Tied model components, examples and research together

Integration of concepts from the textbook/other sources

· Used multiple sources in each section (10 marks)

· Used sources to support personal thought/opinion/idea (make sure to use “I believe, I think” do not write “as per me”. You are not yet an academic researcher who is published, therefore, save “as per author (year)” to give power and influence for the academic sources you use.

· Cited sources match concepts discussed

· Balanced personal thought/opinion/idea and research by relating each concept model to your professional life as leader working on one issue in your organization (10 marks)

· Used your organizational example with all three models and your decision-making as a leader!



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