Impact of Gerontological nursing course

The topic in brief Impact of Gerontological nursing course
Type of Service Assignment
No. of Pages/Word count 5 page(s)/1375 Words
Citation Style APA Style
Detailed Description/Explanation Research study Critique/Analysis
Directions attached

Elements within an Analysis of a Research Article:

In the body of your final project be sure you have written about the 14 parts of a research journal article:

1) Problem statement: In what way(s) was the problem the study was conducted to resolve an important one for nurses to explore?

(2) Study purpose: In what way(s) was the purpose of the study significant to nursing?

(3) Research question(s): What was the main research question? If it is not stated, what would you say the research question was?

(4) Study variables: What are the variables the researchers found or used in the study?

(5) Conceptual/ theoretical framework: Was a conceptual model or theoretical framework used to guide this study? .

(6) Review of related literature: Does the literature review support the need for this study?

(7) Study design: Quantitative designed research deals mostly with numbers. Groups as studied using instruments such as questionnaires, or data records. A critique of a quantitative design includes the fit of the design with the purpose and question of the study.

(8) Sample and setting: Does the sample appear to be large enough? Was the sample described as a convenience sample or in some other way described as nonrepresentative? Was the setting in which data were collected appropriate for this study?

(9) Identification and control of extraneous variables: What were the extraneous variables in this study? Were appropriate measures used to control for the influence of the extraneous variables?

(10) Study instruments/tools: Were the instruments adequate for their use in this study? In what way(s) were the instruments used appropriate for this study?

(11) Data collection methods: In what way(s) were the data collection methods appropriate for this study? In what way(s) were the steps taken to protect the rights of subjects adequate?

(12) Data analysis procedures: In what way(s) were the data analysis procedures appropriate for the type of data collected? In what way(s) were the data analysis procedures appropriate for answering the research question(s)?

(13) Strengths/limitations: What were the major strengths or the scientific merit of this study? What are two major limitations in the scientific merit of this study? To what extent were the study findings practical for use in nursing practice and education?

(14) Implications: What were the implications for practice (policies, procedures, quality monitors, plans of care, and evaluation of care)? In your opinion what are the implications for education (formal and informal, patient/family/community, staff development)? What are the implications for research utilization (EBP)? What might need further study)?



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